Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My Window on the World

This is the view from my window when I'm sat by the computer.

A couple of months back, turning my head a little to the right I saw this.


  1. I like the message of the picture (be it unintentional)- we might live thousands of miles apart, but basically it's a small world...
    Thanks for visiting my parts ;-)))

  2. Where in the world...., looks like Namibia..
    I always have some sort of atlas or map at the side of my chair, I cant read a book without refering to a map to see where the story is happening.
    Just got my new camera, Pentax K10, just getting used to the controls, all I need now is some sunshine to get out and snap away, just now I am taking pics through the window at the birdfeeder
