Sunday, December 20, 2015

Shadow Shot Sunday: Denton Murals

The sun casts the shadow of a tree across the wall over the end of the Millenium Mural and above the Denton Remembers Poppy.

The Millennium mural was painted on the wall of Denton Pool (Swimming Baths) in 2000. It was conceived by David Vaughn and commissioned by the Denton Town Twinning Association. It serves to commemorate both the second millenniumm and the continuing friendship between the people of Denton and Montigny le Brettoneux.

For a better view of the mural see my post of March 26th 2012.

According to a plaque next to the poppy artwork which quotes an extract from a poem by Albert Taylor:

How were you known, number or name,
Denton's unknown soldier?
Farmer or hatter; when the call came,
Denton's unknown soldier?

DENTON REMEMBERS is a community arts project commemorating, the First World War Centenary 2014, in partrenship with Tamside Council Cultural Services,Neighbourhood Services and Irwell Valley Housing Association.

I'm not sure when it was placed here but wasn't there in July 2015 so it must be some time since then.

A contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday and Monday Murals.


  1. The second shot's my favourite one. I would imagine the placement might well have been around November 11th.

  2. It also looks a bit on a microscopic slice under a microscope but the poem is memorable.

  3. A charming memorial image for a time of horror. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. I agree with SC about the microscope. A lovely peice of art. The poem made me realise that it's 26 years since I discharged from the Royal Australian Navy I can still remember my military service number

  5. Love this updated version of the poppy. Nice colors!
