I met Jozo in Amsterdam in 1980 and we kept in touch for many years. He designed the front cover of New Hope International 1981 and in that same issue I published Five Poems by Jozo T Boskovski.

Here are just some of the things Zoran writes in memory of his father.
Academic poet Dr. Jozo T. Boskovski is a successor to a family with a very deep Macedonian tradition in which few generations worked in the field of the literature.
Jozo T. Boskovski was born Jan.24th or Feb.6th 1933. In the yard of his birthplace in the village of Ostrilci , near the town of Krusevo, still vegetates a vine tree with a trunk perimetar of 100cm (15cm above the soil. The giant woods of the walnuts (Juglans area), and the Popols were cut in the terrible days during the first years of Yugoslavia following World War II. Now, the village is empty.
Like a person with over natural reflexes, and more educated Poet, he builds on the top of the big potentials of the Macedonian tradition of literature, and the trends in World literature - introducing his own poetical, philosophical and artistical system: THE VERZUM with many rich themes and two directions: JOZOIZAM in the literature, and NERVOIZAM in the Art:
About the Jozoizam speaks the Jozo's large and rich literature ... And many eminent - famous Critics of the Literature in the World.
In the Nervoizam, he does not draw the outside of the face (The hue of the skin, - but – nervature = inside: He makes a nerve phisionomy of the man ... the objects of the interest...)
It is any kind of a plasmopoetry based on the plasmo(po)etic , like everything – today is based on the plasmophisycs ...
His Poetry was held in excellence and published throughout all of the World – (Many times - everywhere): In Austria, Australia, USA, England, Albania, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Bohemia, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden (in Paris – in English), Greece, Syria, Mexico , Brazil , in Macedonian , Serbo-Croatian ( Albanian and Turkish languages in former Yugoslavia): in Skopje, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Pristina , Novi Sad , etc...
Jozo's Poetry was accepted by the highest level of the European Establishment after he received the First European Prize for Poetry - 1980 from the European Academy with quarter city in Naples, Italy, working to the Idea: Cultural uniting of European nations – under patronage of European Union.
He received the Blessing of S.S. Pope J. Paolo II and many messiahs and personal regards from the Kings, Queens, Princes and Presidents of the largest European Countries.
Jozo received regards from the King of Spain, the Queen of Denmark, from Jacques Chirac – The President of France, from the President of USA Bill Clinton (personal letter) and from the largest libraries in the World: The Library of Congress in Washington, the Russian State Library, the English Library in London, and the libraries in Slovenia, Serbia, and Bulgaria about his Book: "Digging up the History – Atlantis the true and Macedonia" which is a Corrected History of the wrong history of the World.
In 1980, Jozo was chosen for a Honorary Member of the European Academy and was placed like a Consul of the E. Academy - in Yugoslavia, now in Macedonia.
In 1988, The World University from the town of Benson, Arizona, USA , gave him a Diploma of Cultural Doctorate in Literature .
Jozo graduated from the Teachers School in the town of Bitola (1954); Degree of University – History of Literature and Macedonian language – in Skopje, Macedonia, 1969.
In 1955, he was Teacher and Tutor in the elementary schools in Macedonia; and in elementary school 1987 and College (1990) in USA.
In 1959, Jozo was the President of the Club of Young Writers of Macedonia, and did the first anthology of the literature by the members: "The Almanah – 59" And organized many reading places – everywhere throughout the towns in the Land.
- Battle with Evils (poems, 1963)
- A Poet Active - A Speaker (poems, 1966)
- Macedonian Tragedy ( A phantasmagory poetic drama, 1966 , 1987)
- The Emperor of the Evil (Poetic drama, 1966,1987)
- Florescence (The title can not be translated: It is any floral material - matured flowers only, with dried seeds in and Drawings, 1969)
- Wisdom of the Sun * ZNAJA (Knowledge Plus magical and rituals knowledge, poems, essays and Drawings, 1976)
- The eternal River (Awarded Poems with The First European Price of The European Academy, 1980 . A special edition [Numbered 252 copies] - bilingual – Macedonian – Italian.)
- Children, Flowers and Stars (Childrens poems and drawings, 1981)
- Longing for the South (an anthology of contemporary Macedonian poetry [together with the Indian poet Sitakant Mahapatra] in two volumes [English and Oriia language], New Delhi and Orisa, 1981)
- Enlightened [Illuminated] Man (selection of poems, Kultura, Skopje, 1984)
- Poesia nera (Ital-Jug - Rome, 1984)
- Sowing of the Universe, Gardos and C.C. Communications (NY publish., selected Poems, published in Serbia, 1989)
- A New World (essays, Skopje, 1989)
- A Big Mind * The head of the Universe (Authomonography, European Academy, Skopje, 1990)
- Big Bang (poems and essays, N. svet, Skopje, 1992)
- The medicine against the Death (poems and essays, N. svet, Skopje, 1994)
- Skopje's Sheep (short stories, N. svet, Skopje, 1997)
- The Mind navigator (poems and essays, N. svet, Skopje, 1997)
- Digging up the History: Atlantis the true and Macedonia – High blossomy Macedonia (Skopje, 1989)
- The triumph of the Matter * The Sun * An Internal Sun * A Poet Sun * The Sun in the Sex * II : Equalization of the versum with the Universe * III: The negative matter [Antimatter] * The theory of the Chaos [The Harmony of the Chaos] (N. svet, Skopje, 2000)
- Poems (After death edition of poems by Branko Momirovski, N. svet, Skopje, 2000)
- Storyteller Bosko Jnov from Ostrilci (a special Scientific and theoretical publication, N. svet, Skopje, 2002)
- Unclear Forces (poems and essays largely about the author's Jubilee 50 years of creations, N. svet, Skopje, 2002)
- The Verzum * Metheorian rains * Piramidium * The roaring of the empty * The eternal Sphinx – The Art (an Alethiology – Dianopoetry , N. svet, Skopje, 2002)
- PVnta re4 * Rotating plasma* The Poem Sun (poems and essays, N. svet, Skopje, 2003)
- The festive firmament “(poems and essays, N. svet, Skopje, 2004)
- Orpheus the voice of the Sun, (A new world, Skopje, 2004)
- An Evangelic Smooth, (A new world, Skopje, 2006)
- Smiling Sun“, (A new world, Skopje, 2006)
- The philosophical Fire, (A new world, Skopje, 2006)

Read a memory of Jozo by Herbert Kuhner and David Axelrod
Sad message... But your bridge photo is great, all though it looks cold and windy...!