Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ABC Wednesday: N is for New York New York

(Click on image to view full-size version)

The sign belongs to the Manchester public house now known as New York New York.

(Click on image to view full-size version)

On the corner of Bloom Street and Abingdon Street in Manchester's "Gay Village", the pub has a long tradition of being a "gay bar".

Back in the days when the "Village" didn't really exist, it was a Wilson's house called simply the "New York".

See this photograph from the 1950s

(Click on image to view full-size version)

Here is a detail of the Abingdon Street corner of the building. Across the street, Bloom Street has been reduced to "Loom Tree".

Compare with this photograph from the 1970s and another from 1986.

For more information visit the Pubs of Manchester website.

A contribution to ABC Wednesday.


  1. so nice they named it twice!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. Wonderful photos and very informative post ~ Great for ABC ~ ( A Creative Harbor)

  3. Glad there's a pub in Manchester named New York (from an old New Yorker).

  4. Never been to New York yet, wish to visit someday.

    Nuggets of Wisdom
    Rose, ABC Wednesday

  5. Things change - such documentation of the same location taken years apart is priceless.

  6. Great fun to have documentation of changes in the same place...we just loved the pubs in London when we were lucky enough to visit there...that rounded corner building reminds me of one of our favorites, can't remember the name.

  7. My mum worked there from wen I was five .Lillian. It was lovely in those days .now comment wayne newall
